Showing you my art #3 ┃ the girl on fire...

Saturday 14 March 2015 | |

Hey internet! :) 
I told you I had an assignment in my art class that I had to finish before I could draw anything else, and a few days ago.. I finished it!! :) Yaaayyy :D so happy about that. I mean, I really enjoy drawing. I really do. It is one of my favorite things to do. But somehow it is different when it is an assignment. I mean, then I HAVE to do it. Do you know that feeling? It is the same with playing an instrument. I love playing the piano. A lot. But when it comes to taking lessons again.. no. Because then I have to practise and I HAVE to play even when I I don´t want to. I do not enjoy things as much when I have to do them, even though they are one of my hobbies. It is weird. o.O ;D
Anyways, I wanted to show you what I drew for my art class.

The assignment:
Make an expressionistic self portrait, that shows one (or more) of your characteristics. 

That Doesn´t sound that hard, does it? And it is not. I mean, it is not hard to come up with ideas. I had plenty ideas. I had so many, that it was hard to decide what to do. But in the end, I did the one I liked the least, because it was the easiest. I didn´t quite know how to make most of the ideas I had.. :( That always happens to me.. I have a really really good idea and I can´t wait to do it, but I have no idea how.
Anyways, here it is:

The red - grey - orange - yellow cloud above my head is supposed to be an explosion, just in case you didn´t know. My mum didn´t.. :´( xD
Oh well, it is an expressionistic potrait anyways, so I guess everyone can read their own things into it.
What do you think; what did I want to express with that? :) Tell me in the comments below and I will tell you if you are right. haha
I sketched it with pencils and then colored it with my Prismacolor pencils. :) Love them.

Have a great rest of the day.

xoxo, Anika


  1. Das Bild ist echt toll geworden :) Ich bin leider gar nicht künstlerisch begabt :D
    <3 Anna
    PS: Bei mir läuft gerade eine Blogvorstellung, vielleicht hast du ja Lust, daran teilzunehmen :)

    1. Dankeschön <3 haha kann man üben
      danke gerne!!
      <3 Anika

  2. Wow, dass sieht super aus *__*
    Ich wünsche dir noch eine wunderschöne Woche!
    Liebste Grüße,
    Lilly ❤️
    Ps: Ich habe zurzeit ein tolles Ostergewinnspiel mit Produkten von Too Faced, Bath&Body Works und Maybelline am Laufen. Wenn du ja mal Lust und Zeit hast, kannst du ja mal "HIER" vorbeischauen

    1. *-* Dankeschööön!
      Und danke ich dir auch!
      Klasse!, ich liebe Bath& Body Works und weiss nicht wie ich da dran kommen soll ohne dafür ins Ausland fahren zu müssen... Blöd, dass die nicht nach Deutschland shippen.. :´(
      Allerliebste Grüße,
      Anika <3


Tell me what you think! <3

Design by Mira Dilemma.