18th Birthday!!! ┃ Birthday Haul ┃Verona, Paris, ...

Thursday 21 May 2015 | | 0 comments

Hey Internet! 
(scroll down for the actual Birthday Haul...;P)

I know it´s been a while.. I am sorry. My life is kind of upside down right now and there is not much time left for blogging.  But I am planning on posting more in the future!
Anyways.. this Monday was my (Taaamtaaamtaaaaaam) 18th BIRTHDAY!! That´s right.
I am not a real "Party-Girl", which is why I wanted to go to the Baltic Sea with my family and spend my birthday there. We went to Warnemünde. It was cold and windy but at least we were near the ocean! I love the ocean! Even though I find it really scary, it is so interesting. Don´t you think?

The night before my 18th birthday, my family and friends kept asking me if I was excited for my birthday and then the next morning they kept asking if I felt any different, now that I was 18 and a full grown adult. To be honest, the night before I was not excited at all.. I was even a little scared. Scared of all the responsibilities that come with adulthood. Scared of all the choices I would have to make in the near future. It just scared the crap out of me that I was going to be an adult, who was responsible for his own life and who had to make big life - changing decisions and who couldn´t always rely on mom and dad anymore. I felt like my 18th birthday would take away a piece of my lightheartedness, of my innocence and in the end of my childhood.

And then the big turn (haha)... The next morning I was woken up by my family coming in around 9:30am, singing birthday songs and taking (really ugly) pictures (of me with sleepy, swollen eyes and no make up xD). We went downstairs where they had already set the breakfast table with all the good stuff and some presents and M&M´s all over the table.

While eating breakfast I unwrapped my presents, this is what I got:

1. A trip to Paris with my girl friend. My parents paid for the flight and the little apartment we will live in (I am going to take you with me to Paris, I promise) and they also gave me 150€ (ca. 167$) money to spend on Sightseeing and whatever I want.
2. A cute little "Paris guide for girls" with the best restaurants, tourist features, clubs, etc. Love it!
3. A book called "I could do anything if I only knew what it was" (Barbara Sher / Smith) from my dear aunt. Because I don´t really know what to do with my life after graduation (I mean I know what I am interested in, but there is this (irrational?) fear that I might choose to study something I may not be interested in later), she got me this book and I started reading it and love it! Maybe I am going to create a seperate post about the book, because it might be really helpful for anyone who is not quite sure what he wants in life.
4. A bandana from one of my sweet sisters. You know, I have a Simson Schwalbe, which is an Oldtimer Moped (I am in love!! with it) and she got me a bandana with an american flag for it.
5. Earrings from another one of my sisters. Red ones. So pretty!
6. A small heart - shaped blackboard to hang on my wall from the last sister. Really cute!
7. Money from my grandparents.
8. A trip to Verona from my other grandparents! So crazy! Wow.. and we are going to watch a play there! So excited!!
9. A really cute and beautiful bracelett from my boyfriend. And also flowers. <3 nbsp="" p="">

I am sorry for so much writing.. :( Next time is it going to be a more fun post! I promise.

I wish you a wonderful rest of the day / night and Happy Birthday to everyone out there who has birthday today!! <3 nbsp="" p="">

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