Art Journal #4 ┃ Depressed Boho - Queen

Wednesday 11 March 2015 | |

Hey internet!
Es ist schon etwas länger her, dass ich etwas aus meinem Art Journal hochgeladen habe. Deswegen wollte ich das heute mal wieder tun. Ich habe in letzter Zeit nicht ganz so viel mit meinem Art Journal gespielt, deswegen habe ich auch nicht so viel zu zeigen. ;)

It´s been a while since I uploaded something from my art journal. That´s why I wanted to do that again today! I haven´t been playing a lot with it, so I can´t show you that much today.. ;)

I am really obsessed with Boho chic and stuff like that at the moment. That is why I created this page, I just love how it looks. It is so beautiful and simple. :) 

I was feeling depressed when I made this, that is why it is so "dark" xD sorry for that. 

Yeah, that is pretty much it. Sad, huh? haha
Oh well, I have a lot going on at the moment so I Don´t have that much time for myself. But I am going to try to get more done in the future. :)
Hope you like it.
Have a great day,

xoxo, Anika


  1. I get what you're feeling, I hope you feel better :)

    1. Aww thanks. yes I do. I mean, there are those days were you just feel really down.. you know. ^^ i bet everyone has that from time to time <3


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Design by Mira Dilemma.